One of the most unrighteous displays in world history to this day is the holocaust. “Holocaust” refers to a mass wipe-out of any particular subject. Anytime we think of holocaust, we think of Adolf Hitler and his responsibility for the mass execution of Jews in World War II. Jews were seen as inferior to a large part of the world for religious beliefs and for not being law-abiding citizens, especially by the Germans. While Hitler did not initially hate Jews as much as some, he was very much influenced by others to go forward with an event such as this. Two people in particular that influenced him were George Ritter von Schönerer (believed Jews should never have complete German citizenship) and Karl Lueger (Hitler learned ideas of social reform and antisemitism from him). Such influence on one person can change the world in a big way.

The holocaust reminds me of a particular instance in the book of Esther. Haman, who was second in command to the king, was displeased with Mordecai (a Jew). He went to the king to convince him that it is necessary that all Jews in the province be destroyed because they do not follow the kings laws and observe their own laws. The king gives Haman his signet ring (the king’s stamp of approval) and tells Haman to do with the people as he pleases. Haman goes out and gives the order that on one particular day, the Jews will be destroyed. Esther learns of the plot for the destruction of all the Jews in the area and plans to hold a banquet for the king in an attempt for the order to be reversed. However, orders passed with the king’s signet ring cannot be undone. He passes an order that allows the Jews to protect themselves in Esther 8, giving the people of the orders incentive to not attack the Jews. The influence of one person can have a huge impact, sometimes for better or worse. When Christians impact people’s lives, hopefully we can ensure them it is for the better.

-Mark Talbert-