Our worship services are simple and biblical. Our primary objective is to honor God by worshiping Him as He has directed us in His word.
Bible Classes
We offer Bible classes for all ages each Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. We strive to instill within each student a love for God and an appreciation for His word as our source of spiritual guidance for daily life. Vacation Bible School is also a much-anticipated event we host each summer.
Young Adult/Young Married
Our young adults meet for fellowship and devotion monthly in the Outreach Center. This is a great opportunity to bring friends and get to know each other better.
Family Ministry
We are committed to strengthen our families by providing periodic classes and programs designed to help marriages and improve family-life.
Senior Ministry
The Seniors Ministry meets the first and third Tuesday of each month in our Outreach Center. The 1st Tuesday is an outreach event with a Bible class then potluck that is open to the public. There is a class as well on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (without a potluck). Then the last Tuesday of the month the group goes on an outing together.
Ladies’ Class
Our ladies meet for Bible Study on Thursday mornings. From time to time, they also meet on Wednesday evenings.
We enjoy special activities and retreats that provide opportunities for spiritual growth and fellowship for members and their guests.
Youth Program
We provide opportunities for the spiritual growth and encouragement of our young people. These activities are designed to develop personal faith and put to use their talents in serving God. Our young people are involved in service projects, camps, retreats, devotionals and activities with other youth groups in the area.
Food Pantry
We help many families in our community through our Food Pantry and other forms of benevolent outreach. Our pantry is open on the 2nd Thursday of the month from noon to 1:30p.m. Call the church office at 501-679-3647 for additional details.
Local Outreach
We offer free home Bible studies and correspondence courses to anyone interested in furthering their knowledge of God’s word. We engage in gospel meetings, seminars, and other forms of outreach.
Foreign Missions
World missions are important to us. We host a highly successful Missions’ Day each February to help mission works in addition to the ones we already support. In addition to various short-term commitments, we help support work all over West Africa and, in particular, Ghana. We also support the Spanish Work in Central America along with works in South Africa, Romania, Russia, and Thailand.