The Potter and the Clay

The work of a potter is to form or mold things from clay. Whether they are forming vases or just a clay pot, it requires excellent craftsmanship on their part for it to come out properly. It takes hours, sometimes days for a project they are working on to be completed to their standards. Jesus gave us His word to be the potter in our lives. He molds us and forms us when we adhere to His word and what He desires for us to be doing. Isaiah 64:8 says, “But now, O Lord, You ae our Father, we are the clay and You our potter; And all of us are the work of Your hand.” We are to be the work of His hand. The extension of His work which He started when He was here on earth fulfilling the prophecies laid out in the Old Testament. He died so that we may live. We live so that we can continue telling people about Him and the gift which He grants to those who follow Him. Are we letting Jesus be the Potter in our lives? Is it through Him or by Him that we are being molded and fashioned for eternity? He made such a perfect blueprint for our lives that eternity is possible. While it may not be in that physical mold, the spiritual mold has everything to offer. Molding our spiritual lives after Jesus is the only way to work toward His likeness.

-Mark Talbert-