Our response to governing authorities is very much influenced by our perception of God’s present-day involvement in the affairs of man. While our citizenship is in heaven, we live in this world and have certain God-given responsibilities toward those in positions of authority (Ph. 3:20; Rm. 13:1-7).

God works behind the scenes, in a providential way, to carry out His sovereign purpose in the world around us. We know this because of clear, biblical evidence. For example, in the process of interpreting Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, Daniel explains that “the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind, and bestows it on whomever He wishes” (Dan. 4:25). Again, in Paul’s sermon to the Athenians, he says that God “made from one, every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times, and the boundaries of their habitation…” (Acts 17:26). Then, in his letter to the Romans, Paul tells us that “there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God” (13:1). So, on the basis of such evidence, we cannot divorce God from the affairs of human government. All rulers are subject to God for the way they govern their people and God will work among the nations in accordance to His sovereign will.

A cursory glance at Old Testament history reveals that God uses nations to bring about His righteous purpose. The nation of Israel was punished for her idolatry when the Assyrians conquered the land and carried its inhabitants away into captivity. The Assyrian Empire was, in turn, subjugated by the kingdom of the Medes and the Persians. Continuing changes in the political landscape of the world were not only matters of divine prophecy, but clear evidence that God uses the nations of the world to bring about divine judgment and prophetic fulfillment.

This being the case, how do we promote the ongoing welfare of our nation? Simply put, we must follow God’s way as it is revealed in His word. Scripture says that “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people” (Prov. 14:34). Similarly, we are told: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord…” (Psa. 33:12). This underscores the tragic blunder of those whose intent it is to remove God from our public schools and government institutions. Our nation’s only safeguard for the future is belief in God and determination to follow the moral and ethical standards of His word. Don’t be deceived, morality is a political issue in that governmental policy influences the way God works in the life of our nation.

Next week, we plan to take a closer look at the Christian’s responsibilities toward government.