When we ask the above question, we do not ask it with any sense of superiority as though we are in a position to look at others in a condescending way. Instead, we are asking what can the righteous do in light of our increasingly secular society where moral values have been ignored, twisted, and finally, turned upside down altogether? Our hope for the future lies in teaching ten important principles to the next generation. Our children must first be taught that they are the special creation of the Lord.

Adding to that, we must teach our children that there is value and purpose in life. Life is precious because God is its Source. At an early age, children need to learn about the beauty and wonder of creation. Even young minds can grasp something of the majesty of God’s creative design. There is no rationale for unbelief; for Paul writes: “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse” (Rm. 1:20).

Founded upon faith in God as Creator, respect for life must be reinforced as children grow up. “God Made the Animals One-By-One” and similar children’s songs provide the blessing of feeling a part of God’s beautiful world. On the other hand, the devaluation of human life begins with various forms of indoctrination into the theory of godless evolution. Rather than being a part of God’s special creation, children learn that they are the inexplicable result of a colossal accident in the long ago. This provide no basis for moral rectitude or purposeful living. The desensitizing effects of today’s culture often destroys appreciation for human life, especially among the unloved, untaught, or unstable. How can a society permitting the slaughter of millions of unborn children take a legitimate stand against violence in our nation’s schools? Mounting evidence suggests that young, undeveloped minds are not fully capable of effectively processing the kinds of violence depicted on the screen and in modern-day video games. How can children respect human life while being constantly exposed to graphic images of violence?

But, then, as children mature, they must also develop a sense of God’s purpose for their lives. Paul says, “present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect” (Rm. 12:1-2). How tragic that so many Christians, as a whole, and young Christians, in particular, have not developed a compelling sense of having been called to a higher, nobler purpose that transcends this life! Our purpose in life is inseparably connected to the fact that every person is precious because each possesses an eternal spirit created in the image of God. We will continue this discussion in next week’s bulletin.