What can we do when we see the moral foundations of our society falling apart? As mentioned in a previous article, the spiritual well-being of the next generation depends on our commitment to instill within each child godly attitudes and behaviors. In addition to what we have already discussed, parents must teach their children the value of honesty. Without honesty, our children will be hampered in their ability to build and maintain meaningful relationships. 

This includes a viable relationship with the Lord. Scripture tells us that “a lying tongue” is one of seven sins described as “an abomination” to the Lord (Prov. 6:17). Lying is not a “cute little sin” that parents should ignore in their children. Parents should begin teaching their children at an early age how important it is to tell the truth. Satan is “the father of lies” and the one “who deceives the whole world” (Jn. 8:44; Rev. 12:9). Because Jesus is “the truth”, we must “not lie to another” (Jn. 14:6; Col. 3:9). Jesus provides a wonderful example of this virtue; for, even in the midst of suffering, no “deceit was found in His mouth” (1 Pet. 2:22).

Not only should we teach our children the value of honesty and point them toward the example of Jesus and others in Scripture, we should model such virtue in our own lives as well. Encourage honesty in your children. Show them positive reinforcement when they tell the truth in difficult situations. Use their lapses in honesty as teachable moments to discourage dishonesty. The Scripture is filled with examples on both sides of the issue.

As children grow and mature, honesty becomes a more complex issue with a wide variety of applications. In everything from school work to employment opportunities–from obeying traffic laws to telling “little white lies”–honesty or the lack of honesty influences nearly every aspect of life. We will do our children a great service by training them to be people of integrity in a world that is frequently characterized by fraud and deceit. Let us renew our pledge to let our “‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and [our] ‘No,’ [be] ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one” (Mt. 5:37, NKJV). May the Lord bless you as you pursue honesty and teach it to your children.