A new day…a new month…a new year…and a new decade! It’s exciting to think about the prospects for the coming year! Christians should approach the new year with vigor and enthusiasm, knowing that God reigns from His throne in heaven.

Reflecting on the successes and failures of the past year leads us to self-examination. What are some changes I need to make in the year ahead? Have I allowed myself to be distracted from the truly important duties of life? Is my relationship with the Lord stronger than it was a year ago? How about my family life? Has it grown in a positive direction? What about my church life? Am I developing closer spiritual bonds with my brothers and sisters in Christ? How about my devotional life? Have I allowed other things to crowd out the time I need for a close, personal relationship with the Father? Concerning outreach, have I been focused on the great mission of the Lord’s church—to seek and save the lost? (Lk. 19:10).

Indeed, there are changes which need to be made. But, there could be no more fitting time than now to make those changes. Some set goals for themselves. Others do not. But, I never knew anyone to get anywhere who did not first know where it was he wanted to go and what it would take to get there.

Take some time to ask yourself where you would like to be by the end of the year. Then, ask yourself what it will take to get there. Pray about it. It it’s a worthwhile goal and you are willing to commit yourself to it, then focus on that goal and work your plan so that, with God’s help, you may find success.

Remember, that we are not dependent on our strength alone but that God can accomplish great things through us to His glory (Ph. 4:13). He can do “exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us” (Eph. 3:20). What could be more exciting than God working in the lives of His people? May God richly bless you in the year ahead.
–Glen Elliott–