
A. How Great Is Our God!!

B. We reflect his image to the world (1 Jn. 4:19; 1 Pet. 1:16; Ex. 34:6-7).
1. We tend to think of faithfulness as an either/or proposition.
2. One might be faithful in one area but not another.

C. Covenant requirements:
1. Two parties
2. Understanding of promises and conditions of covenant
3. Abiding faithfulness to the covenant


A. God is faithful (1 Pet. 4:19; 1 Cor. 10:13; 1 Jn. 1:9; 2 Th. 3:3).

B. What do we mean by the faithfulness of God?
1. “certainty, dependability” (TWOT, Vol. 1, 52)
2. “absolute reliability and complete integrity” (Mounce 134)
3. “firmly constant, and not given to…fickleness…” (Wycliffe Dict.)

C. Consider the faithfulness of God:
1. Great (Lam. 3:23)
2. Extensive (Psa. 36:5)
3. Enduring (Psa. 100:5)


A. “in the innermost being” (Psa. 51:6)

B. “our shield and bulwark” (Psa. 91:4)
1. “Into Your hands I commit” (Lk. 23:46)
2. “I am convinced that He is able” (2 Tim. 1:12)

C. Great blessings of faithfulness:
1. Approval (Prov. 28:20; 12:22)
2. Increased responsibility (Mt. 25:22; 1 Tim. 1:12)
3. Ultimate victory (Rev. 2:10; 17:14; Psa. 31:23)

D. Tragedy of unfaithfulness:
1. Uncertainty (Prov. 25:19; Mt. 24:44; 25:13)
2. Bitter rejection (Psa. 78:37; Heb. 3:11; Mt. 7:23)


A. Faithfulness “describes a person who is ‘obedient’ to his Lord, ‘trustworthy’ in his relationships, ‘reliable’ in his work, and ‘honest’ in his agreements” (Kittel).

B. Keeping focused on God’s faithfulness will motivate us to be faithful to Him.

C. God will fulfill every promise but we must keep their conditions.