A. “Faith is not believing in spite of evidence, but obeying regardless of consequences.”
B. We must trust in the power of God!
C. Our need to trust in God reinforced by tracing the record of a bronze serpent.

I. Bronze Serpent in the Book of Numbers

A. Main point of Numbers: “God’s people can move forward only so far as they trust His promises and lean upon His strength” (Gleason Archer).

B. Journey in the wilderness (Num. 21)
1. Impatient because of the journey (vs. 4)
a. Detour around Edom (see map)
b. Impatient = lit. “short on soul”
2. Complaint (vs. 5)
3. Punishment (vs. 6)
a. Carpet Viper
b. 1 Cor. 10:9, 11-12; Ph. 2:14
4. Repentance (Num. 21:7)
5. Intercession/Remedy (vs. 8-9)

II. Bronze Serpent in the Book of Second Kings

A. Hezekiah’s reforms (2 Kgs. 18:3-6)

B. Bronze serpent had become an idol.
1. Mt. 6 :24
2. Mt. 22:37
3. Acts 17:23-29
4. 1 Th. 1:9-10
5. Acts 19

III. Bronze Serpent in the Gospel of John

A. Bronze serpent is a type of Christ on the cross (Jn. 3:13-15).
1. How does the death of Christ compare to the serpent lifted up in the wilderness?
a. Death was required for sin (Num. 21:8; Rm. 6:23).
b. God supplied the remedy (Num. 21:8; Jn. 3:16).
c. Remedy involved “lifting up” (Num. 21:8; Jn. 12:32; 3:14).
d. A believing heart was required (Num. 21:8; Jn. 3:14-15; 8:24)
2. Belief in the power of God is essential to salvation.

B. Belief involves risk—counting the cost.
1. Lk. 9:23
2. Satan’s accusations against Job

C. Faith is obedient trust (Jas. 2:17; Gal. 5:6; Heb. 3:18-19; 11:6).

A. We must trust in God’s power alone.
B. Will you look to Jesus for salvation?